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24Lessons Vol.1

Lesson 1

1.1: Holding the cello
1.2a: Holding the bow
1.2b: Holding the bow
1.3: Open Strings G-D
1.4: Open Strings C-A
1.5: Open strings duo
1.6: Placing the left hand, marking the spots for 1st & 4th finger
1.7: D-major scale
1.8: Bass-tone D-A
1.9a: Brother Jacob
1.9b: accompaniment
1.10a: Kaeru no Uta, w/a
1.10b: Kaeru no Uta, w/a
1.11a: Celtic Ballad
1.11b: accompaniment
1.12: Bass tone G-D
1.13a: Twinkle Twinkle Little Star
1.13b: accompaniment
1.14a: Der Mond ist aufgegangen
1.14b: accompaniment
1.15a: Lullaby
1.15b: accompaniment


Lesson 2

2.1: Finding the middle and the balance point, marking it
2.2: Open strings, use of half notes and whole notes, dividing the bow
2.3: Elbow and shoulder movement
2.4a: Frog/middle exercise
2.4b: Middle/tip exercise
2.5: Exercise 2.3
2.7: Exercise2.5
2.8: Exercise2.6
2.9: C-Major scale
2.10: Etude2.8
2.11a: Ein Joeger aus Kurpfalz
2.11b: accompaniment
2.12a: Bach-Menuet
2.12b: accompaniment


Lesson 3

3.1: Legato
3.2: Changing of the bow
3.3: Changing of the bow with left hand involved
3.4: A-minor scale
3.5: F-major scale
3.6a: Etude by Sebastian Lee
3.6b: accompaniment
3.7a: Der Lindenbaum
3.7b: accompaniment
3.8a: Weiheilied by Franz Abt
3.8b: accompaniment


Lesson 4

4.1: Wrist and finger movement exercise
4.2: Legato across strings
4.3a: Legato across strings continued
4.3b: Dividing the labor when handling the bow
4.4: Legato across strings with left hand
4.5: Extended position
4.6: Extended position from the top
4.7: Extended position exercise
4.8: A-major scale
4.9: D-major scale
4.10a: Etude by S. Lee op. 101 no.9
4.10b: accompaniment
4.11a: Akatonbo
4.11b: accompaniment
4.12a: Amazing Grace
4.12b: accompaniment


Lesson 5

5.1: Portato exercise
5.2: Portato exercise across strings
5.3: C-Major with portato
5.4: Portato exercise
5.5: Extended position downwards
5.6: Exercise with extended position downwards
5.7: B♭-Major
5.8: Dorian in C
5.9a: Etude by Sebastian Lee
5.9b: accompaniment
5.10a: A Sea AShanty
5.10b: accompaniment


Lesson 6

6.1a: Rhythm exercise
6.1b: Rhythm exercise cont.
6.2a: Dotted rhythm exercise
6.2b: Dotted rhythm exercise cont.
6.3: C-Major scales in triplets
6.4: D-Major dotted rhythm
6.5: Combination exercise extended position
6.6: Extended position exercise
6.7: Demonstration left hand extension
6.8: d-Minor scale
6.9a: S.Lee,op.70,no.3
6.9b: accompaniment
6.10a: S.Lee, op.70 no.10
6.10b: accompaniment
6.11a: Di Capua - Tarantella
6.11b: accompaniment


Lesson 7

7.1: Playing fast notes
7.2: Playing fast notes involving the left hand
7.3: Placing the fingers in fourth position
7.4: Fourth position basics
7.5: Shift technique
7.6: Fourth position exercise
7.7: Fourth position exercise with third finger
7.8: G-major scale through two octaves
7.9: G-major scale through two octaves, sixteenth
7.10: Dotzauer Etude No.8
7.11a: Kojo no Tsuki
7.11b: accompaniment
7.12: Kojo no Tsuki exercise


Lesson 8

8.1: Warm-up exercise
8.2: Dropping the fingers onto the fingerboard without bow
8.3: Fast finger exercise
8.4: Fast exercise across strings
8.5: G-major scale variation
8.6a: Fourth position across strings
8.6b: Same finger across strings
8.7a: Etude by Lee, op.101 No.21
8.7b: accompaniment
8.8a: Etude by Joseph Werner
8.8b: accompaniment
8.9a: Chatterbox ♩=60
8.9b: Chatterbox ♩=112


Lesson 9

9.1: Open string vibration
9.2: Sound-vibration exercise
9.3: Vibrato exercise
9.4: Vibrato exercise with sound
9.5: Vibrato exercise on D-string
9.6: Fourth position extended downwards
9.7: Fourth position extended upwards
9.8: Shift to fourth position extended downwards
9.9: Extended fourth position across the strings
9.10: g-minor scale
9.11a: Sebastian Lee op.101 no.23
9.11b: accompaniment
9.12a: James Scott Skinner "Hector the Hero"
9.12b: accompaniment


Lesson 10

10.1: Across two strings exercise
10.2: Across two strings exercise, D- and A-strings
10.3: Wrist movement when going quickly across strings
10.4: Third Position basics
10.5: Third Position on A-string
10.6: Third Position Exercise
10.7: Dotzauer Etude No.12
10.8: Practicing with and without anchor point
10.9a: Wenn ich an der lezten Abend denk
10.9b: accompaniment


Lesson 11

11.1: Extended third position upwards
11.2: Extended third position downwards
11.3: Second Position A
11.4: Second Position B
11.5: E-minor scale
11.6: E♭-Major scale
11.7a: Kummer Etude No.20
11.7b: accompaniment
11.8a: Aria "Schlafe, mein Liebster"
11.8b: accompaniment


Lesson 12

12.1: Double stop exercise 1
12.2: Double stop exercise 2
12.3: Advanced double-stop exercise 1
12.4: Advanced double-stop exercise 2
12.5: Advanced double-stop exercise 2/Broken double-stops
12.6: Chord exercise
12.7: Lower fourth position
12.8: Second Position A extension upwards
12.9: Half Position
12.10: Stretching and shifting in the Half Position
12.11: E-Major scale
12.12: C#-minor scale
12.13a: Etude by Martin Stanzeleit
12.13b: accompaniment
12.14a: Breval Sonata Allegro
12.14b: accompaniment


24Lessons Vol.2

Lesson 13

D13.1: Arpeggio demonstration
13.1a: Open strings Arpeggio
13.1b: Open strings Arpeggio with slurs
13.2a: Arpeggio pattern 2
13.2b: Arpeggio pattern 2 with slurs
13.3a: Arpeggio pattern 3
13.3b: Arpeggio pattern 3 with slures
13.4a: Arpeggio pattern 4
13.4b: Arpeggio pattern 4 with slures
13.5a: Arpeggio scales basic pattern
13.5b: Arpeggio scales basic pattern with slures
13.6a: Lee Etude No.11
13.6b: Lee Etude No.11 accompaniment
13.7a: Lee Etude No.20
13.7b: Lee Etude No.20 accompaniment
13.8a: Bach Exercise no.1
13.8b: Bach Exercise no.1
13.9: Bach Prelude First Half
13.10: Bach Prelude practise pattern 1
13.11: Bach Prelude practise pattern 2
13.12: Bach Prelude practise pattern 3
Bach Prelude


Lesson 14

14.1: 5th position exercise
14.2: 5th position exercise D-string]
14.3: 5th position exercise across the strings
14.4: Flageolet technique
14.5: Arpeggio across four strings
14.6: Arpeggio across four strings with left hand
14.7a: Etude no.90 by F.A. Kummer
14.7b: Etude no.90 by F.A. Kummer accompaniment
14.8: Bach exercise no.2
14.9: Bach exercise no.3
14.10: Bach Prelude Second Half
14.11: Bach exercise no.4
14.12: Bach exercise no.5
Bach Prelude


Lesson 15

15.1: Inverted cresc./diminuendi
15.2: Inverted cresc./diminuendi with vibrato D-string
15.3: Inverted cresc./diminuendi with vibrato A-string
15.4: Three bar phrase D-string
15.5: Three bar phrase A-string
15.6: 6th position A-string, basic pattern
15.7: 6th position A-string, raised pattern
15.8: 6th position D-string
15.9: 6th position D-string, raised pattern
15.10: B♭-Major scale
15.11: B-Major scale
15.12a: Etude no.17 by J.M. Raoul
15.12b: Etude no.17 accompaniment
15.13: Legato shift downwards
15.14: Legato shift upwards
15.15:Vocalise by Rachmaninov


Lesson 16

16.1: Finding the "Base Camp"
16.2: Accessing the "Base Camp"
16.3: 7th position
16.4a: C-Major
16.4b: C-Major
16.5: Shifting between 1st and 7th position
16.6: Shifting between 4th and 7th position
16.7a: Kummer Etude No.86
16.7b: Kummer Etude No.86 accompaniment
16.8a: Greensleeves
16.8b: Greensleeves accompaniment

Lesson 17

D17.1: Staccato demonstration
17.1: Staccato basics
17.2: Down-bow Staccato
17.3: Staccato on all four strings
17.4: Staccato with left hand involved
17.5a: Fast Staccato
17.5b: Fast Down-bow Staccato
17.6: C-Major scale with Staccato
17.7: S.Lee No.25
D17.8: Pizzicato Demonstration
17.9: Pizzicato Exercise
17.10: Sicilienne by G.Faure
17.11: Shift exercise for Sicilienne by G.Faure


Lesson 18

18.D: Demonstration
18.1a: Legato across strings
18.1b: Legato across strings from above
18.2: Legato across strings with left hand
18.3: C-Major scale legato across strings
18.4: Dotzauer Etude No.39 legato across strings
18.5: Werner Position exercise
18.6: A.Glazunov, Serenade Espagnole
18.7: Exercise for A.Glazunov, Serenade Espagnole

Lesson 19

D19.1: Placing of the thumb
19.1: Getting the thumb into position
19.2: First step in the thumb position
19.3: Thumb position A-string and D-string
19.4: Dorian scale thumb position
19.5: Thumb position variation A-string and D-string
19.6: D-Major scale thumb position
19.7a: Etude in the thumb position M.Stanzeleit
19.7b: Etude in the thumb position M.Stanzeleit accompaniment
19.8a: Scherzando in the thumb position by F.Kummer
19.8b: Scherzando in the thumb position by F.Kummer accompaniment
19.9: "The Swan" -Shift exercise
19.10: "The Swan"-Shift across strings
19.11: "The Swan" by C.Saint-Saens
There is some mistake in "The Swan". correct version


Lesson 20

20.1: Detached bowing exercise on the D-string
20.2: Detached bowing exercise on the A-string
20.3: Detached bowing exercise on the D-string involving the forth finger
20.4: Detached bowing exercise on the A-string involving the forth finger
20.5a: G-Major scale easy pattern
20.5b: G-Major scale medium pattern
20.5c: G-Major scale difficult pattern
20.6: D-Major scale up to the basic thumb position
20.7: Exercise in Detached Bowing by S.Lee
20.8: Song Without Words by Mendelssohn


Lesson 21

D21.1: Spiccato Technique
21.1: Bouncing Spiccato Exercise
21.2: Spiccato Exercise Open Strings
21.3: Spiccato Exercise With Left Hand
21.4: Regular Spiccato Exercise Open Strings
21.5: Regular Spiccato Exercise Two Strings Combined
21.6: Regular Spiccato Exercise G- and D-String
21.7: Flexible Spiccato Exercise
21.8: G-Major Scale Spiccato Version
21.9a: Etude No.35 by F.Kummer
21.9b: Etude No.35 by F.Kummer accompaniment
21.10: Salut d!Amour by E.Elgar


Lesson 22

D22.1: Left hand articulation
22.1: Two Finger Exercise
22.2: Three Finger Exercise
22.3: Trill Exercise
22.4: Doppelschlag Exercise
22.5: Mordent Exercise
22.6: Thumb Position B
22.7: D-minor scale/Thumb position version
22.8: D-minor scale/Three octaves
22.9a: Tempo di menuetto by Bernhard Romberg
22.9b: Tempo di menuetto by Bernhard Romberg accompaniment
22.10: Siciliano and Allemanda from the Sonata d-minor by W.de Fesch


Lesson 23

23.1: Double stop in fifths
23.2: Double stop in fifths, A-string
23.3: Double stop in fourths
23.4: Double stops in sixths
23.5: Mixed Double stops
23.6: Double stops with slurs
23.7: Double stops advanced position
23.8:C-major scale in sixths
23.9: Thumb position G-string
23.10: Dotzauer No.63
23.11: Bach Sarabande


Lesson 24

24.1: Basic sfift
24.2: Basic shift technique
24.3: Shift exercise pattern 1/A-string
24.4: Shift exercise pattern 1/D-string
24.5: Shift exercise pattern 2/A-string
24.6: Shift exercise pattern 2/D-string
24.7: Shift exercise with same finger/A-string
24.8: Shift exercise with same finger/D-string
24.9: Shift with lower finger
24.10: Basic shift technique
24.11: Shift with lower finger, Pattern 3/A-string
24.12: Shift with lower finger, Pattern3/D-string
24.13: Shift with lower finger, Pattern 2/A-string
24.14: Shift with lower finger, Pattern 2/D-string
24.15: Advanced thumb exercise
24.16a: Capriccio op.22/6 by Ferdinand Buchler
24.16b: Capriccio op.22/6 by Ferdinand Buchler accompaniment
24.16a coming soon: Caprice No.9 by Auguste Franchomme
24.16b coming soon: Caprice No.9 by Auguste Franchomme accompaniment
24.17: Elegie by Gabriel Faure
